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It has significant burst healing capabilities and an intuitive setup that makes it easy to learn. Overview. Race. Mundus. Attributes.
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I did some research and a lot of people tend to prefer or recommend Light Armour builds on Templar healers. ESO-Sets, ESO-Skillbook and ESO-Housing are becoming ESO-Hub. Check out ESO-Hub Now! Illustrious Healing. Illustrious Healing. Cast Time: Instant Magicka Templar PvP Healer Cyrodiil Group Build for ESO: The Ultimate Cyrodiil Group PvP Guide for ESO: Found a mistake on this page? ESO-Sets, ESO-Skillbook and ESO-Housing are becoming ESO-Hub. Check out ESO-Hub Now! Extended Ritual.
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While any Class can heal, Templars are usually a top pick amongst many new players. This is because one of the Templar Class Skill Lines “Restoring Light” is fully devoted to group support, offering strong burst heals, HoTs, cleanses, and much more. Eso templar healer builds. For this you should choose something like a healing mage Armor set, this is light arcane Armor and will give you the edge on your opponents, as well as being fast and light.
Mundus. Attributes. Consumables. Gear.
See our ESO Builds section for more builds. Templar Healer Build Index
Builds. Build Maker; All Builds; Top Rated; Damage (DPS) Healer; Tank; Dragonknight; Nightblade; Sorcerer; Templar; Warden; Close; Crafts. Blacksmithing; Alchemy; Poison Making; Enchanting; Food / Drink Recipes; Weapon & Armor Traits; Style Materials; Outlaw Style; Alliance Styles; Soul Shriven Style; Trinimac Style; Malacath Style; Ancient Orc Style; Akaviri Style; Xivkyn Style; Glass Style; Close; Guides
The GOD MODE Build is a Solo Magicka Templar build for ESO that showcases the ultra powerful Templar class in its most simple form - a one bar build. This build is strong enough to complete almost any solo content (and even some group content) in the game with just a few skills, including Veteran Maelstrom Arena.
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However, as CrazyZilox said, you can join all the NPC Guilds (Fighter, Mage, Undaunted, Thieve's, and Dark Brotherhood) and see for yourself if any of the abilities interest you or not. Individual healers playing in a group (as opposed to the aforementioned coordinated healers) will often want to use a higher regen or sustain set rather than one that will complement the group (such as Shroud of the Lich or Alteration Mastery).
Templar Healer Build Index
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This is my updated Templar healer build for the Stonethorn DLC. Biggest change is the SPC and Olorime adaption. In this case, we can either use SPC 2019-01-01 Well, it’s 2020 b*tch.
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Their kit has built-in damage, tank and healing abilities. Unfortunately the Templar excels in team-play much better than solo-play. The build I've tested out will allow you to progress whether you are playing alone or in a team. Your racial skills are a critical part of your build, so it’s important to choose wisely.